get down to brass tacks

I am often asked about the origin of my business name, Brass Tacks. Whether you’re familiar with the saying, “get down to brass tacks” or not, this brief history is a fun lesson in that tireless  and charming chestnut.

Although the specific origin is unknown, the earlieriest attestation to the phrase is from  Texas, USA circa 1863. Back in the 19th century most women made their own clothes, purchasing their cloth in small general stores. The material was kept in large rolls and the storekeeper cut off as much as was needed. Brass tacks along his work table helped him measure the exact length of cloth requested and was the only way to get a precise measurement.

Fast forward 150 years to convenient yard sticks at Joann Fabrics, but we’re still using that evolved phrasing in our daily lives. Think Quentin Tarantino’s “The Wolf” in Pulp Fiction, who instructs his blundering assassins “Let’s get down to brass tacks, gentlemen” while directing an impromptu clean-up crew.

The meaning of the phrase is  “to engage with the basic facts or realities” or “to deal with the important details”.  At Brass Tacks LLC that is what business is all about. From planning vacations to taking care of daily to-do’s, I take care of  the important (and always time-consuming) details facing you so you can live what you love.

So lets get down to brass tacks, shall we?!