
If you’re struggling to find time for the gym or have a hard time committing to a regular workout schedule due to a busy job, constant travel or regularly running after your tots- we have your solution.

YogaTailor.com is instant gratification yoga- where you want it, when you need it. Customize your workouts to your lifestyle. Do you have back pain? Did you just give birth? Do you have 5 minutes before jetting off to your next appointment? Yoga Tailer creates and streams personalized video’s based on your skill level and lifestyle needs that you can follow along with from anywhere you choose.

Best of all, the site knows that the same workout day after day can get monotonous. Not only can you adjust your difficulty and time levels but the site ensures variety by providing a different workout each time you log in and adapts as you learn and make progress. With real life instructors!

Something this fabulous and easy isn’t always free but at least the first two weeks are! Try it out for a few weeks and if you’re hooked you can buy a monthly subscription for only $7.99 a month. I don’t know about you but that seems way more worth it than a gym membership you’ll never have the time to use.

Namaste and enjoy!