
Work-life balance. Many individuals lack it while other companies provide plenty of it. No matter what your “work-life balance” situation is, many American’s are overworked. So if you’re finding it more challenging to juggle your full time career with your kids and everything else life throws at you, you’re not alone.

Resist the burnout and bring a little more balance to your daily routine by following these helpful tips:




Build downtime into your schedule

Make a concerted effort to schedule time with your family and friends doing activities that help you recharge. If a date night with your spouse or a happy hour with your friends is on your calendar, you’ll have something to look forward to and an extra incentive to manager your time at work well. Don’t forget that a little “me time” is just as important. Whether that means a yoga class or the couch and a good book, take time to relax and focus on yourself (even if it means getting up an hour earlier than you usually would).

tack     Ditch activities that zap too much time and energy

Many people waste their time on activities or people that add no value to their lives- like the gossipy or venting co-worker who we spend valuable time listening to or facebook which sucks us in for hours upon end- so take stock of activities that aren’t enhancing your career or personal life and minimize the time you spend on them. Chances are you’ll increase efficiency and may even be able to leave work a little earlier.

tack    Rethink your errands

Consider whether you can outsource any of your time-consuming (and most disliked) household chores or errands. Could you order your groceries online at Byerly’s and have them delivered? Have your dry cleaning picked up and dropped off at your home or office? Outsource your to-do list to Brass Tacks to free up time and mental energy? Even if you’re on a tight budget you may discover that the time you’ll save will make it worth it.

tack    Get moving

It’s hard to make time for exercise when you have a crazy schedule but experts say that it may ultimately help you get more done and feel more relaxed by boosting your energy level and ability to concentrate.

I recently started sneaking in twice-a-week lunch hour trips to Kula Yoga which has been a real boost to my day, enabling me to relax and have some “me time” while also finishing my day with an additional sense of accomplishment.

tack    Never forget…A little relaxation can go a long way

Don’t get overwhelmed by assuming that you need to make large lifestyle changes to bring more balance to your life. I recommend starting by setting realistic and achievable goals like trying to leave the office earlier one night per week or reading one chapter of your book every other night. By taking just 10-15 minutes a day to do something that will recharge your batteries (take a hot bath, listen to your favorite music, go for a brisk walk or read a trashy novel) you might find you’re already doing a better job at making yourself happy.


No matter what your work life balance need or solution is, Brass Tacks is always here to help.