2014 New year


New Year, new you. Or something like that. So many of us use January as the time to make “resolutions” we never follow through on. Exercise more, lose weight, eat healthy, use our electronics less, etc etc. The concept sounds good in January but without making real lifestyle changes to enable these adjustments to take place, many resolutions do not make it to the end of the year. While I do think it is important to focus on your goals for the year (I prefer goals to resolutions as they are more measurable at year end), I also think there are many little things you can focus on day to day to make yourself a better and happier person. Here are a few of my favorite words of wisdom for 2014:

Live Simply

With the ability to be SO connected to the world at any given moment, we often forget the simple joys in life. Rather than being glued to your phone all day, spend more time living in the present. The world will seem a whole lot prettier when you focus on absorbing the many simple joyful moments.

Make Yourself Proud

Get that promotion, spend more time being the best parent you can be, give time to others in need…there are so many ways to make yourself proud. Focus on what makes you feel good and get out and do it!

Make Good Use of Today

Every day has a new beginning. You and only you determine how to use it. Outsource time sucking tasks to others so at the end of the day you can feel more accomplished. Rather than working on your laptop in bed you’ll be able to pick up a book instead. Rather than feeling frazzled by your kids at the end of the day, you’ll have the presence of mind to enjoy that fleeting time with them. Make good choices each day and enjoy the outcomes.

By focusing on these basic concepts I guarantee your resolutions and goals will seem much more do-able. Sometimes you simply need to slow down to allow everything else to fall into place. If slowing down means outsourcing time consuming projects and errands, contact Brass Tacks for assistance today.

Happy New Year!
