new website

It is with great excitement that I introduce to you the new and very much improved Brass Tacks website! This project has been a long time in the making and I’m so proud of the outcome. Hanna from Gadabout Creative is SO talented and is the mastermind behind the new layout. She has such beautiful style and truly knows how to bring a vision to life while providing valuable pointers along the way. Without gorgeous images, the website would look a lot like it did previously. For that I thank Katie Fears of Brio Art who so perfectly brought Brass Tacks to life through her beautiful photographs. Personal assistance and travel planning consume my daily life yet often don’t produce tangible photographable results. Or so I thought! Katie was able to impeccably capture what it is that I do in the space that I do it. I hope these images help you, the consumer, understand what Brass Tacks is all about.

Not only does the new site align with the true vision of Brass Tacks, it also provides a more user friendly interface. The main menu allows you to jump easily from section to section, whether you would like to learn more about my services or myself. You can contact and connect with me through email and a variety of social media platforms. The biggest change is a larger focus on my Brass Tacks blog. You can expect regular weekly content featuring gift guides, fun finds, travel tips, foodie diaries and so much more. Follow along as I share what inspires me to live what I love.

This site was re-designed with a focus on my beloved clients. So whether you’ve worked with me before or are new to my site- or are simply an enthusiastic Brass Tacks supporter!- I’d love your feedback. Enjoy!
