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 I am constantly preaching “live what you love”. It is the phrase that inspired me to found Brass Tacks and also the sentiment behind each and every service I offer. It is what keeps me inspired day-to-day and is the wisdom I impart to those around me. I truly believe that when you live what you love you are better at what you do, resulting in a happier and more fulfilling and life. It’s that simple! Thomas Edison may have said it best when he quipped, “I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun”. Or the legendary Steve Jobs who stated, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do”. I am clearly not the first to adopt this way of thinking, although I believe society still has a long way to go in producing our best results.

This article really got me thinking about the importance of living what you love. The author stresses the results we see when individuals think of their work as play. “Instead of grinding it out in jobs they hate, these people become passionate and highly skilled at what they do. They team up with other great players and collaborate on interesting projects. Then one day, they’re making magic. Their mastery shines through in everything they create, society reaps the benefits of their gifts, and our world changes.” Our world is already filled with endless opportunity. So what would life be like if each and every one of us embraced our passions and played for work? Would we all live a richer life?

I do not have all of the answers. But what I do know is that life can be short. And living what you love is the best way to look back on it with no regrets. As Leonardo Da Vinci said, “life well spent is long”. So how will you choose to live your life?